Compufeeder electronic sow feeder

Electronic sow feeding

Nijenkamp is supplier of Compufeeder, electronic sow feeder
The Compufeeder feeding station distinguishes itself in the market by its combination of solid framework with many stainless steel parts.
This combined with a modern control system makes it an easy-to-use system for both farmer and staff.

The clear programme gives a quick overview of the current state of affairs and previous days’ lists.
With the remote login option, we can always check in with you if something goes wrong.
This can save a lot of unnecessary travel time.
Using a handy app on your phone, you can also change and view data on your mobile.
You can also use this app to let sows in and out of the group.

Together with you, we will draw the most ideal set-up for each pen.
Important points here are sow walking lines, selection areas and overview.
The feeding stations must also be placed in a good way so that the feeding installation can be mounted properly.
We can also provide the pen partitions, feeding installations and water supply.

Feel free to contact us if you would like more information or details.

More info about the Compufeeder can found on